My Pantry Staples...!

If you know me than you know that the things I deeply love the most, continuously spend extravagant amounts of money on, and get super excited about purchasing are my baking and cooking ingredients, utensils, and items. I'm always stocking up my pantry, buying new tools and utensils for my kitchen, and trying out different baking and cooking ingredients. It's very important that I always have the necessary ingredients on hand to bake and cook at any given moment as well as continue to experiment. Here is a list of my pantry staples or in other pantry must haves.

Leavening Agents and Starches:-
1. Aluminum Free Baking Powder
2. Natural Baking Soda
3. Natural Bread Machine Yeast
4. Non GMO Corn Starch

Flours and Powders:-
1. Organic, Non GMO, Whole Wheat Flour
2. Organic, Non GMO, White Whole Wheat Flour
3. Organic Black Bean Flour ( milled at home from dried black beans)
4. Organic Garbanzo Bean Flour ( milled at home from dried chickpeas)
5. Organic Oat Flour ( milled at home from certified or non-certified gluten free oats)
6. Organic Quinoa flour ( milled at home from quinoa)
7. Organic Brown Rice Flour (milled at home from brown rice)
8. Organic, Non GMO, Corn Flour ( milled at home from non GMO dried corn kernels)
9. Organic, Non GMO, Corn Meal (milled at home from non GMO dried corn kernels)
10. Organic Coconut Flour ( milled at home from toasted coconut)
11. Organic Almond Flour ( milled at home from toasted almonds)
12. Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

Sugars & Sweeteners:-
1. Date Sugar ( made at home by dehydrating dates then grounding them into fine crystals)
2. Raw Honey
3. Raw Coconut Sugar

Nuts and Seeds:-
1. Flax seed and Ground Flax-meal 
2. Chia Seeds
3. Sunflower Seeds
4. Pumpkin Seeds
5. Walnuts
6. Almonds
7. Whole Peanuts
8. Whole Cashews

Nuts and Seed Butters and other butters:-
1.Natural Peanut butter ( homemade from roasted peanuts )
2. Natural Almond Butter ( homemade from roasted almonds)
3. Sunflower Seed Butter ( homemade from roasted sunflower seeds)
4. Coconut butter ( homemade from shredded coconut)

1. Extra Virgin Coconut oil
2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Dried Fruits:-
1. Dates
2. Raisins
3. Shredded Coconut

Dried Beans and Legumes:-
1. All kinds

1. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
2. Pure White Vinegar

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables:-
1. What ever is available in season should be on hand.

1. Organic Coconut milk
2. Organic Unsweetened, Original, Almond Milk

Extracts and Teas:-
1. Pure vanilla Extract w/o alcohol ( homemade)
2. Mint Extract ( homemade)
3. Chamomile Tea
4. Peppermint Tea
5. Green Tea
6. Chai Tea

1. Old Fashioned Oats
2. Brown Rice
3. Quinoa

Salt, Herbs & Spices:-
1. Fresh From My Garden
2. Dried Herbs ( All Kinds )
3. Dried Spices ( All Kinds)
4. Sea Salt

Additional Items:-
1. Natural 100% or 95-85% Dark Chocolate.

I buy the freshest ingredients possible and I never let money allow me to choose something below my comfort zone -meaning I will not buy inorganic, non GMO corn starch because it is cheaper- I buy what my money can buy and save the rest for a later time. At some point I reach a pantry that is fully stocked with fresh ingredients. I do not buy this all at once, but rather I buy when needed and slowly increase my stock. I'm a teenager and my budget is limited, but that doesn't stop me from buying the freshest ingredients and using them to their utmost ability.

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